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Laiken Kentnich

Laiken found Pure Barre while in graduate school in Columbus, OH (Go Bucks!). She instantly fell in love with it because it reminded her of her many years of dance and was a great way to escape from the stress of graduate school. It quickly became a part of her regular routine and go-to workout! When she moved to IL, a nearby Pure Barre was a requirement! She loves how empowered and strong she feels after every class and how they allow her to zone out and take 50 minutes just to herself. Laiken will always love taking Classic because it's the reason she fell in love with Pure Barre in the first place! She does love to mix it up and take other formats as much as she can too! Laiken has been an instructor for over a year and is trained in Classic and Align. She is a huge Taylor Swift fan (if you take her regularly, you can expect Taylor to appear on the playlist regularly)!