Pure Barre at Sea: Join us June 8-15 for a Princess Cruise to the Caribbean! Learn More

Kim Olson

Hey there, I'm Kim Olson, and my Pure Barre journey began in the heart of New York City. As a professional dancer, I needed a way to cross-train without putting extra strain on my joints, given the rigorous rehearsals I had every day. That's when I discovered Pure Barre, a low-impact workout that not only spared my joints but also stole my heart with its incredible community. In the midst of the bustling city, I found a warm and tight-knit group that welcomed me with open arms. Now, here in Calgary, I'm continually amazed by the strength and camaraderie within our community. I consider myself truly blessed to have such amazing clients and colleagues who embody beauty, strength, and determination. Thanks to Pure Barre, I've never felt stronger or more stable. It's more than just a workout; it's a chance to focus on myself, tune into my body, and boost my confidence. I thrive on lifting, toning, and that satisfying burn! Three things I absolutely adore about Pure Barre: the incredible community, the physical and mental strength it provides, and that unmistakable shake and burn that lets me know I'm pushing my limits. Join me for a transformative fitness journey!