Pure Barre at Sea: Join us June 8-15 for a Princess Cruise to the Caribbean! Learn More


Tara was born and raised in Wisconsin and then spent 20 years in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A pinkie swear with a bestie, and the urge to get out of the freezing cold, prompted her to say goodbye to her friends, sell her business and most of her belongings, and move across the country to Redondo Beach, California. Tara has been an aesthetician for 18+ years and she currently works in a medical spa where she gets to do all sorts of fun skin & body treatments. She is also pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in nursing at Mount Saint Mary’s University and loving it! Tara has been an athlete her entire life and her love for movement and challenging herself is a huge part of who she is. Pure Barre quickly became an obsession for her after discovering it 3 years ago and she absolutely loves teaching all of the amazing clients at Pure Barre Redondo Beach!