Pure Barre at Sea: Join us June 8-15 for a Princess Cruise to the Caribbean! Learn More

Katie C

Katie serves as the Lead Teacher at Pure Barre Trinity! Her Pure Barre journey began in 2014 when she decided to attend her very first class. After seeing and feeling amazing results (and LOVING the community at the studio), she decided to take her love for Pure Barre to the next level and become a teacher. She was thrilled to join the team at Pure Barre Trinity to lead the teaching team: she finds it rewarding to not only be a part of her clients’ journeys, but to also guide and support the teachers at Pure Barre Trinity with her experience and passion for Pure Barre. Katie loves how Pure Barre can truly show you how strong your body (and mind!) can be. Whether it is pushing through a 90 second plank, sinking your seat one inch lower, or embracing a set of shaking legs, there is always something you can find yourself gaining strength and understanding on! It never gets easier: you just continue to get stronger! Outside of the studio, Katie enjoys spending a lot of quality time with her two amazing kiddos, her husband, and their dog! Katie is passionate about cooking, reading, and taking on decor/home improvement projects in her home.