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Kirra is new to pure barre herself, however, has always been interested in taking classes due to her mother, Helen Keane’s, passion for pure barre. Her favorite part of pure barre is how encouraging everyone is and how you can take everything at your own pace. Although she is just getting started, she has found a love and respect for the different classes and is excited for where her journey with barre will take her! Kirra is a rising junior at James Madison University, where she is studying nursing. At school she participates in various organizations, including a ski and snowboarding club, which is one of her favorite ways to stay active! Kirra also loves to participate in the different fitness classes her school offers. During the time she is home she loves to spend time with her family and her dog! Can pineapple go on pizza? YES! Pineapple is the best topping, it is the only way to eat pizza in my opinion. What fictional world or place would you like to visit? One of my favorite shows is Game of Thrones, so to be able to visit the land where it all takes place would be my first pick!

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